Shamanic Healing

Regular price $500.00
Energy Healing is an ancient and effective method of self -care with healing properties. Shaman Cesar Lara uses energy medicine to open the pathways to your body and minds own ability to heal itself. Supported by science, the molecules with in our bodies are constantly vibrating and radiating positive or negative, balanced or unbalanced, open or closed frequencies. Misaligned energy can radiate low vibrational frequencies which can materialize into physical ailments. All trauma we carry physical, emotional, and psychological impact energy systems. Shaman Lara reads the aura and releases blockages from the body allowing the journey of healing to begin.
Energy Healing is that powerful bridge that connects the two and can facilitate profound, meaningful change. All one needs to do is to open the door and allow their own healing to occur. I cannot walk that journey for you. Only you can do that. All you need is a willingness to begin. -César Lara Shaman/M.D.
Shamanic healing sessions are available individually for $500 or 3 sessions for $1200.
*3 sessions are recommended to achieve optimal balance, healing self enlightenment.
*Once purchased our team will reach out to schedule your session